Start Earning with Resell Rights
We provide ready-made eBooks that you can resell to generate income. Whether you're new to the digital eBook business or an experienced entrepreneur, we can help you build your eBook company from the ground up.
Building Your eBook Business on Three Core Principles
Step 1: Explore Our Extensive Library
Dive into our vast collection of ready-made eBooks across various niches. Each eBook is crafted with quality content that your customers will love. If you can't find exactly what you're looking for, no worries! We offer a custom eBook creation service with a turnaround time of just 72 hours. You can have a unique eBook tailored to your needs in no time.
Step 2: Customize Your eBook
Once you receive your eBook, it’s time to make it your own. Our eBooks are downloadable in Word format, making it easy to customize using tools like Canva. Create a custom cover, make any changes, and restructure the content to fit your brand perfectly. If you need assistance, we also offer a customization service for an additional fee to ensure your eBook stands out.
Step 3: Start Selling and Make Profits
Use your preferred eCommerce platform to resell your eBook. We recommend pricing each eBook between 20-30 pounds, dollars, or euros. With just five sales, you'll have recouped your investment. To help you succeed, we also offer marketing strategy plans if you're new to selling and need guidance on reaching your target audience effectively.
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